200 years experience: online
In early 2024 Perfidious Albert were approached by Mitchell and Son, a very famous 7th generation wine merchant and whiskey bonder based in Dublin and established in 1807. Their request was for a quotation to do some minor updates and improvements to an existing Shopify Plus website that was close to 4 years old.
When we examined the website, we found it was overburdened with unnecessary apps, badly constructed, and very hard to maintain. We proposed to Mitchell and Son that they should invest upfront in a new website rather than likely invest the same money maintaining the existing website for a few more years.

30 paid apps: eliminated
Mitchell and Son accepted our proposal, and we built the website over a few weeks in April 2024. We updated the site to a Shopify 2.0 theme, removed 30 apps and replaced them with native Shopify functionality, and we restructured the site for a better user experience and better search engine optimisations. We introduced meta fields for data structure and functionality – allowing better filtering, searching, and management of their vast catalogue of products. The design of the website was refreshed significantly to bring it up to the standard expected of Ireland’s premier wine and whiskey supplier.

9,000 products: migrated
One of the biggest challenges for migrating from the old site to the new site was bringing across the 9,000 or so products that Mitchell and Son sell. We built a bespoke migration tool that extracts all the products from the old website, adds the meta data and new information required for the new website, and automates the full process. The migration tool copied all the data in less than 20 minutes and could be repeated as often as required for testing, and the final go live.

Costs: slashed
Launched in late April the website immediately brought about reduced costs and increased revenue. Customer feedback was exceptionally positive.
Perfidious Albert did not suggest a maintenance or support package to Mitchell and Son as we have always stated that Shopify is a maintenance free platform that does not require the regular intervention of a developer. Occasional updates to apps or themes are necessary, but never urgent, as security updates are always taken care of by Shopify.
Future profits: off the chart
Starting in August 2024 we partnered with Mitchell and Son on a retainer basis and we began work on a process of constant optimisation and improvement of all aspects of Mitchell and Son’s e-commerce business.
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